Welcome to our latest offering for the month of June 2024.

We are gearing up for forthcoming shows across the UK. We can be found at York in July- this is one of the most important shows during the year, if you haven’t been I would strongly recommend a visit. There is always approximately 50 dealers in attendance.  We will be on hand to discuss all things Philatelic together with handing out our latest auction catalogue.

There will also be an additional Manchester show to be held in Altrincham on Saturday 31st August.  We will be there too.

Back to Sale 438 featuring the following highlights:


GREAT BRITAIN – An extensive offering of over 100 lots of mint QV issues including an unused 1840 Penny Black, surface prints, 1867 £5 orange overprinted specimen and much more.



CEYLON with KGV high values overprinted specimen


INDIA – A very good old-time collection suitably offered with key stamps and states.


BRITISH EAST AFRICA with overprints and key high values.

And much more throughout the sale.

Wishing you all the best.

Simon Carson & The Philangles Team.