Welcome to our end of season auction which is full of interesting material.

We have had a very good year selling stamps & postal history to our collector friends around the world, all we can say is thank you for your continuing support.  The Philatelic market is healthy and robust.

Please check out our revamped website which features much needed improvements.  There’s a direct link to material we have for sale on EBay (constantly 800/1000 different items available for immediate purchase), our online shop of GB postage deals (first class stamps on offer at 80% of face value) and immediate access to our latest auction.

Remember, I am on hand to discuss any aspect of philately whether buying or selling.

This month’s sale features:


NETHERLANDS – a superb collection suitably broken down with intact collections, interrupted perforations & fine singles all with very low estimates.


BRITISH AFRICA with KUT and NYASALAND fine single stamps with high values and collections.


AIRMAIL POSTAL HISTORY with substantial Australia & Great Britain lots.

Plus our usual offerings of selected single items, collections, ranges & boxes.

Meet us at The Kempton Park show 21st & 22nd March where Chris will be on hand to say Hello.

Wishing you all the best.

Simon Carson & The Philangles Team.